This book offers seven character development voyages to foster authentic leadership in the ongoing present.
It is written for those with a yearning to grow leadership excellence for the joint pursuit of purpose, goodness, impact and joyful living.
Potential readers are people with this yearning in leadership role responsibility, or coaching working with leadership development who want to know how to organise and cohere such journeys and aims.

This book expands conceptual ideas of virtues, goodnesses and telos, that are introduced in Sounding the Depths of Leadership.
It is an intensely practical and down-to-earth book, that will help you develop a game plan for a life of flourishing.
It will be released in December 2022

This book expands on and unpacks Navigation Charts 6 and 7 that are introduced in Sounding the Depths of Leadership.
It is designed as a workbook, and includes theory, exercises, examples and practices for fostering aesthetic experience through a reflective, responsive, inquiry process to sustain daily intentional life.
It will be released in 2023